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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born.

I will give you a completed accounts we must explain to you how all seds this mistakes idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts.

Dilnavaz Variava

Dilnavaz Variava

Founder & Managing Trustee

She is one of the first graduates from IIM Ahmedabad, and has been a director of various companies. From 1973 she has played a leading role in environment conservation as CEO of WWF India, Vice President for 20 years of the Bombay Natural History Society and as a member of the Govt of India’s National Committee for Environmental Planning & Co-ordination, National Conservation Strategy Committee and National Board for Wildlife. She was Chair of the Working Group on Ecological Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra High Level Expert Committee. She is also President of an educational trust running schools for over 3500 rural children. Dilnavaz has retired from business responsibilities to focus on these interests.

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