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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born.

I will give you a completed accounts we must explain to you how all seds this mistakes idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts.

Nadeem Shehzad And Mohammad Saud

Nadeem Shehzad And Mohammad Saud

Cast – All That Breathes

In one of the world’s most populated cities, two brothers – Nadeem and Saud – devote their lives to the quixotic effort of protecting the black kite, a majestic bird of prey essential to the ecosystem of New Delhi that has been falling from the sky at alarming rates. Amid environmental toxicity and social unrest, the ‘kite brothers’ spend day and night caring for the creatures in their makeshift avian basement hospital. Director Shaunak Sen explores the connection between the kites and the brothers who help them return to the skies, offering a mesmerizing chronicle of inter-species coexistence.

Former bodybuilders from the Chawri Bazar area of New Delhi, Nadeem Shehzad and his younger brother Mohammad Saud started treating black kites in 2003. Since then, they have together treated more than 20,000 injured birds. Nadeem was recently appointed as an Honorary Wildlife Warden of Delhi, and in 2021 spent three months in the U.S. for training with bird rescue organizations. Today, Nadeem and Saud continue to work tirelessly to treat black kites and other birds of prey through the organization they set up in 2010: Wildlife Rescue.

Mohammad Saud is one of the co-founders of Wildlife Rescue. Since he was a child, Saud has been passionate about helping animals in need and used to volunteer at local animal shelters and rescues. Currently, he manages his manufacturing business while also running Wildlife Rescue as a managing trustee and president.

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