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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born.

I will give you a completed accounts we must explain to you how all seds this mistakes idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts.

start date December 13, 2023
map icon Mumbai

Mapping Pathways And Adoption

Mapping Pathways And Adoption


IndiaSpend in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, is hosting a series of roundtable discussions on Natural Farming.

The Natural Farming Roundtable gathers stakeholders from diverse sectors, including producers, policymakers, academia, retailers, farmer markets, food entrepreneurs, and investors. Its aim is to facilitate discussions on the pivotal role of natural farming in revitalizing India’s agricultural sector.

The third in this series- The Natural Farming Roundtable

Mapping Pathways And Adoption focuses on identifying strategies that will increase adoption of natural farming techniques, spur collaborations between natural farming producers and government agencies, civil society, farmer organizations, retail formats, research institutions and find solutions and ideas that will spark adoption of natural farming.


Shriya Naheta

founder- Zama Organics

Shirish Joshi

Consultant- Organisation Design and Strategic HR

Paula Mariwala

Founder- Aureolis

Jinesh Shah

Co founder- Omnivore partners

Jaideep Bhatia

Co founder and CEO- Uniagri Biosciences Pvt Ltd

Giri Krishnaswamy

Conscious foods

Dr. Dashrath Tambhale

Director Agriculture (ATMA) Maharashtra state

Dilnavaz Variava

Founder & Managing Trustee

Arif Shah

Deputy Director – Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Jaivik Sheti Mission, Dept. of Agriculture, Pune

Anuradha Kanwar Budhraja

director of Kotgarh Fruit Bageecha Pvt. Ltd.


10:15 am – 10:25 am

Welcome note

  • Introduction to the Natural Farming Roundtable
  • Format of the discussion
  • Identify objectives and key takeaways from the discussion.
  • 10:25 am – 10:45 am

    Navigating the Future of Natural Farming

    A snapshot analysis on the progress in adoption of natural farming, identify fault lines and opportunities in context of the current policy landscape.

    10:45 am – 11:15 am

    Shaping the Next Chapter of Natural Farming in Maharashtra:

    Discussion on the ‘Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Jaivik Sheti Mission’ on the promotion of organic farming in Maharashtra

    11:15 am – 11:45 am

    Reimaging Sustainable Food Systems

    In this session we explore the intersection of policy-making and technological advancement in the realm of natural farming and the pivotal role that technology plays in shaping sustainable food systems. From precision agriculture to data-driven insights, the discussants will focus on policy considerations that leverage technology to enhance the efficiency, resilience, and sustainability of natural farming methods.

    11:45 am – 12:15 pm

    Green Harvests, Green Profits: Cultivating Successful Enterprises

    This session will uncover the true costs of running a sustainable agriculture enterprise, and explore the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs, unravel strategies and innovations necessary for enterprises to achieve profitability while staying true to sustainable and natural farming principles. Expect firsthand experiences, implementing effective business models and harnessing market opportunities while prioritizing ecological integrity.

    12:15 pm – 12:45 pm

    Seeding success: Exploring innovative funding models to fuel the expansion and adoption of natural farming enterprises.

    Diverse capital sources, including impact investment, venture capital and innovative funding models, play a critical role in fueling the expansion and development of natural farming enterprises, this session will explore the different capital sources and the transformative potential of aligning financial objectives with environmental and social impact goals. Challenges, contradictions, and biases within the investment committee – nothing is off charts in this discussion.

    12:45 pm – 1:00 pm

    Closing notes and vote of thanks

    Event Spaker:

    Led by the award-winning author of 100 Conversations for Career Success, and CEO of the career management firm.

    Vish Sahasranamam

    Co Founder & CEO, Forge Innovation & Ventures

    Varun Agarwal

    Senior Project Associate , WRI

    Urmi Goswami

    Assistant Editor, The Economic Times

    Ulka Kelkar

    Director, Climate program, WRI India

    TK Arun

    Senior Journalist & Columnist, former Editor, The Economic Times

    Swapan Mehra

    Founder & CEO of Iora Ecological Solutions

    Introduction to Azim Premji University and the Centre for Climate Change & Sustainability.

    A brief outline of the Climate Data Journalism initiative and objectives of this discussion.

  • How do we step up on climate reporting and leverage the existing capabilities within newsrooms given the intersectionality of climate reporting with other beats such as energy, gender, health, technology.
  • Deliberate on how to make climate change reporting more ubiquitous and seamless across beats.
  • Identification and discussion of common obstacles faced by media organisations.
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges to resource allocation, staffing and audience management.
  • Insights from speakers on navigating editorial and financial constraints.
  • Exploration of avenues for securing funding, partnerships and technical support.
  • Showcase innovative approaches to resource mobilization and sustainability.
  • Discussion on collaborative models for sharing resources and expertise among media entities.
  • Summary of key insights from the discussion.
  • Call to action for continued collaboration and engagement within the media fraternity.
  • Introduction to the Natural Farming Roundtable
  • Format of the discussion
  • Identify objectives and key takeaways from the discussion.
  • A snapshot analysis on the progress in adoption of natural farming, identify fault lines and opportunities in context of the current policy landscape.

    Discussion on the ‘Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Jaivik Sheti Mission’ on the promotion of organic farming in Maharashtra

    In this session we explore the intersection of policy-making and technological advancement in the realm of natural farming and the pivotal role that technology plays in shaping sustainable food systems. From precision agriculture to data-driven insights, the discussants will focus on policy considerations that leverage technology to enhance the efficiency, resilience, and sustainability of natural farming methods.

    This session will uncover the true costs of running a sustainable agriculture enterprise, and explore the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs, unravel strategies and innovations necessary for enterprises to achieve profitability while staying true to sustainable and natural farming principles. Expect firsthand experiences, implementing effective business models and harnessing market opportunities while prioritizing ecological integrity.

    Diverse capital sources, including impact investment, venture capital and innovative funding models, play a critical role in fueling the expansion and development of natural farming enterprises, this session will explore the different capital sources and the transformative potential of aligning financial objectives with environmental and social impact goals. Challenges, contradictions, and biases within the investment committee – nothing is off charts in this discussion.

    Setting the stage for the day.

    Introduction to State of Environment report 2023 and the application of infographics and visualizations in narrative-building.

    Nutgraf – The elements of an effective pitch

    This session will train you to detect the difference between disinformation and misinformation, verify images, text, and videos you receive on WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

    In this session you will learn how to access online fact checking tools and gain hands-on experience in verification.

    Vote of thanks followed by handover of certificates

    Introductions, agenda setting, outline objectives and housekeeping rules

    India and the climate abyss – A concise overview of rising temperatures and its impact in the near future.

    The 2-hour interactive workshop session focuses on practical skills on data analysis, introduction to open-source tools to import data sets and create engaging and impactful visualizations. Applications of data visualization concepts through hands-on group assignments, this session aims to empower you with the skills for effective data analysis and presentation.

    Deconstructing a climate story
    In this session, we will explore the essential attributes a reporter needs to effectively cover climate change and environmental issues. You will learn how to recognize the hallmarks of good quality data to ensure responsible and credible reporting
    Understanding climate action jargon is crucial for accurate reporting but it can be a barrier to comprehension.
    Managing translations, simplifying definitions, and avoiding biases are essential aspects of climate reporting. This session will address these challenges and provide practical tips for effective regional and on ground reporting on climate change and environmental issues.
    This peer-to-peer interactive session will provide a better understanding on how journalists in regional and hyper local newsrooms can contribute to a better understanding of critical climate change and environmental issues.

    Missing discourse about climate change in Indian Parliament

    Parking lot items

    Goal setting for the day

  • Introduction to the world of visualizations
  • What does it take to be a visualiser?
  • When does a visualization work and more importantly when does it not work. How to rate and rank visualizations.
  • Key components of an effective visual aid
  • The art and science of comics in effective story-telling.

    How Is India Adapting to Heatwaves?: An Assessment of Heat Action Plans With Insights for Transformative Climate Action

  • This session will train you to detect the difference between disinformation and misinformation, verify images, text, and videos you receive on WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
  • You will learn how to access online fact checking tools and gain hands-on experience in verification.
  • Writing a data-based fact check based on Poynter Institute’s International Fact Checking Network’s principles and processes.

    Pivoting to climate change reporting, a basic guidance on key attributes required to make a seamless career shift.

    Handover of certificates

    Venue Direction:

    From the moment you embark on a job search, you are inundated with “do this, do that,” by well-intentioned friends and colleagues. But, all of those random

    Share on Social

    • Date : December 13, 2023January 1, 1970
    • Time : 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (UTC+0)

    Short Details

    • start date Start Date: December 13, 2023
    • Event Venue Event Venue: Mumbai
    • Organizer Organizer: Sushant S Mohan
    • Category Category: The Natural Farming Roundtable
    • Email Email:
    • Designation Designation: CEO, DMCL

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